Type of school
- How school fees are increasing in 2024/25
- Value for money prep schools
- How to manage rising prep school fees
- Prep school mergers and closures
- Selective school education; is it better?
- What makes a good school and how to spot one
- All-through schools; pros and cons v standalone schools
- Moving between state and independent schools
- Independent school, maintained school or academy?
- When a successful school becomes too successful
- Boarding schools. What you need to know
- Do church schools provide a better education?
- A single sex school or a mixed school?
- A short history of education in England
- After the fees come the school fee extras
School results and achievements
- Academic results; independent schools v state
- When a school is good at sport; sporting excellence
- Artistic excellence; when a school is good at the creative arts
- Academic competition; bridge, chess, debating, maths…
Breadth of education
- Outdoor learning in prep and primary schools
- School trips, residentials and visiting speakers
- Prep School curriculum; skills and knowledge
- What is a broad creative arts curriculum?
- What is a broad sports curriculum in schools?
- Do school accreditations mean anything?
- Character Education and the curriculum
- What is a broad academic curriculum?
- What’s the point of a broad education?
- How broad is a broad curriculum?
- Pupil participation in school teams and activities
- Social and community education in schools
- Common school curricula and curriculum styles
Quality of teaching
- Specialist teaching in prep and primary schools
- Mental health, wellbeing, and mindfulness in schools
- Home schooling is becoming more popular. Is it for you?
- Should I hire a private tutor for my child?
- Lesson observation; watching the teacher teach
- School class sizes and pupil teacher ratios
- What is pastoral care and safeguarding in schools?
- How much homework should my child be doing?
- Teaching the More Able, Gifted and Talented child
- Ability setting and streaming in schools
- School reports and parents evenings
- Special Educational Needs provision in mainstream schools
- Popular teaching styles; Mastery, Growth Mindset…
School facilities
- Blended Learning; what you need to know
- School sports facilities; how do they vary?
- School academic facilities; how do they vary?
- School arts facilities; how do they vary?
- Typical facilities in UK schools
- Why choose a school nursery?
- The school careers department come of age
- Do better school facilities mean a better education?
- What’s so special about a sixth form centre?
- Out of hours and wrap around care at school
School look and feel
- Good behaviour and school discipline
- What you can tell about a school from its teachers
- The strange lure of the school’s notable alumni
- Is an attractive school really a better school?
- What school pupils tell you about a school
- How important are Headteachers when choosing a school?
- What does a Headteacher do to help your child?
- The Parents’ Association