Forest Farm, Elsfield, Oxford OX3 9UW

10 reasons to choose Oxford Montessori Schools, Forest Farm Primary School
Top line
Oxford Montessori Schools, Forest Farm Primary School has a Schoolsmith Score® of 70. It is one of the best independent prep schools in and around Oxford and one of the 4 best primary schools for 3 miles.
School fundamentals
Oxford Montessori Schools, Forest Farm Primary School is an independent prep day school for boys and girls (60%/40%) between the ages of 2 and 11 years. The school has a non-selective admissions policy. It is the junior division of Oxford Montessori Schools, an all-through school to age 16. Oxford Montessori Schools, Forest Farm Primary School fees range from £5,500 +VAT (Rec) to £5,605 +VAT per term (2024/25).
Average class size
Oxford Montessori Schools, Forest Farm Primary School is a very small school, with mixed-age classes, and an average class size of 13.
Leavers' destinations
At the end of Year 6, most Forest Farm Primary pupils move up to the senior school. Some move on to a local state or other independent school.
The Oxford Montessori Schools, Forest Farm Primary School curriculum
School curriculum is based on the National Curriculum using Montessori methods including learning through play and project based creative learning. It is thematic and also includes PSHE, Spanish. The teaching environment is less pressured and there is no formal testing at primary level.
More on the curriculum
There are regular educational trips for all year groups and visiting speakers. Learning outdoors is a significant part of the Oxford Montessori School experience. About 20% of the week is spent learning outside including Forest School sessions.
Specialist teaching
Specialist teachers for sport, music, art, Forest School, drama, and languages throughout.
Sport at Oxford Montessori Schools, Forest Farm Primary School
School offers PE and up to 10 seasonal sports.
The Arts at Oxford Montessori Schools, Forest Farm Primary School
Art, music and drama are taught as discrete curricular subjects to all pupils.
Wraparound care
Wraparound care from 8.00am to 5.30pm.
Find another school near Oxford Montessori Schools, Forest Farm Primary School
Headington Rye Oxford Prep School (2.7 miles); Magdalen College School, Junior School (3.6 miles).
Beckley Church of England Primary School (1.6 miles); St Michael’s Church of England Primary School, Oxford (2.7 miles); St Andrew’s Church of England Primary School, Headington (3.4 miles).
Oxford Montessori Schools, Forest Farm Senior School (0 miles); Headington Rye Oxford (3.2 miles).
The Cherwell School (3.3 miles); Cheney School (3.5 miles); Bartholomew School (8.6 miles).