Early indications suggest that independent day school fees will increase by around 6.3% for 2024/25. The increase for boarding fees will be similar at 6.1%. This is an early estimation, based on the fee communications made by 60% of UK independent schools at the time of writing (April 2024). The increase is lower than 2023/24, […]
Type of school
The type of school; characteristics such as its size, whether it is mixed or single sex, faith or not, day or boarding, independent or state, academy or maintained, selective or mixed ability, all through or primary or secondary.
Does the type of school determine the quality of your child's education or just the nature of their experience?
Value for money prep schools
Value for money prep schools are those that have a higher Schoolsmith Score per pound spent on fees. So, the more the school offers and achieves in its academic curriculum, sport, arts, outdoor learning, trips, SEN provision, specialist teaching, class sizes, exam results, destination school, pupil progress, etc, and the less it charges, the more […]
How to manage rising prep school fees
Prep school fees have risen at above-inflation rates for as many years as I can remember. And a probable VAT related price rise in 2024/25 or 2025/26 could squeeze many out of independent education. But, what if you could choose the elements of prep school education that you most wanted, in a modular or menu-based […]
Prep school mergers and closures
The working consensus among prep school governors and management is that many more prep schools will have to merge if they are to survive the next two to three years. The reason, of course, is the impact on school pupil numbers if and when VAT is applied to fees. A substantial flight from independent education […]
Selective school education; is it better?
Selective grammar and private schools dominate the league tables. Yet current research suggests that they make no difference to pupils’ grades. So how do you decide which one, if any, is right for your child? Despite decades of political intervention, many parents covet a place at an academically selective school for their child. Their thinking […]
What makes a good school and how to spot one
A good school is one that delivers a lot more than exam results. You can what makes a good school from its results and achievements, breadth of education, teaching, facilities and look and feel. That’s the consensus from the views of academic research, Ofsted, headteachers, and parents. The definition matters because we throw the good […]
All-through schools; pros and cons v standalone schools
There are many good reasons for choosing all-through schools. That they provide continuous education from ages 2 to 18 shouldn’t be one of them. All-through schools are schools that are both junior and senior schools. They offer a continuous schooling experience typically from age 4 or 7 to age 16 or 18. Some offer schooling […]
Moving between state and independent schools
The number of pupils moving between state and independent schools is increasing. It seems that more and more people are talking about moving between state and independent schools. If you’re considering switching from a prep school to a state secondary (grammar) or a state primary to a independent secondary you’re not alone. The topic is […]
Independent school, maintained school or academy?
Should a school’s legal status influence the school you choose for your child? Are you considering switching? This article summarises the practical differences between an independent school, a state maintained school and an academy. What is a Maintained school? A maintained school is a state school that is maintained by a local education authority (LEA); […]
When a successful school becomes too successful
A successful school becomes a popular school. And that can lead to its downfall. Here’s five things to look out for. Like most parents, when you chose your child’s school there were a few things about it that you particularly liked. It could have been the staff, the facilities, the academic results, the interesting outdoor […]
Boarding schools. What you need to know
Boarding school won’t suit everyone. You know that. Boarding school is expensive. You know that too. Should you send your child to boarding school? You’re unsure about that. This might inform your decision. How many boarding schools are there? In the UK there are 497 mainstream schools that offer boarding to 75,000 pupils. Or 2% […]
Do church schools provide a better education?
Church schools are smaller and more selective than secular schools. Discipline, pastoral care, and staff ratios are no different. Even though only 6% of the UK population regularly worship, 26% of children attend a school with religious character. These faith schools account for over 30% of UK schools. 98.5% of them are church schools, affiliated […]
A single sex school or a mixed school?
There is no difference in the academic attainment of boys and girls in mixed or single sex schools. But there may be differences in social and emotional intelligence, and self-confidence. A mixed or a single sex school? The number one question Should I send my child to a mixed (co-educational) or single sex school? That’s […]
A short history of education in England
While writing the Broad Curriculum set of articles I became pre-occupied by two questions. The first was “What is the point of education?” which I address here. If we know what the point of education is everything else should fall into place; the curriculum, the structures, the sponsorship, and so on. But it seems we […]
After the fees come the school fee extras
You’ve paid the fees but the school fee extras can be significant. Don’t forget to budget for them. For those of you thinking of independent schooling, you’ve probably already made a note of sacrifices (let’s call them “lifestyle changes”) you’ll be making to pay the fees. And if you haven’t, you should know that the […]